highlight_theme:palenight# darker / pale night / light / ocean / mac / mac light / false highlight_copy:true# copy button highlight_lang:true# show the code language highlight_shrink:false# true: shrink the code blocks / false: expand the code blocks | none: expand code blocks and hide the button highlight_height_limit:false# unit: px code_word_wrap:false
cover: # display the cover or not (是否顯示文章封面) index_enable:true aside_enable:true archives_enable:true # the position of cover in home page (封面顯示的位置) # left/right/both position:right # When cover is not set, the default cover is displayed (當沒有設置cover時,默認的封面顯示) default_cover: -/img/1.jpg -/img/2.jpg -/img/3.jpg -/img/4.jpg -/img/5.jpg -/img/6.jpg -/img/7.jpg -/img/8.jpg -/img/9.jpg -/img/10.jpg -/img/11.jpg